
Showing posts from October, 2019

Let Me Walk You Through The Pedestrian

          A guy named Leonard Mead goes for his nightly walk as usual but on this night for some reason he gets stopped by a cop. He had never got stopped before so he was shocked because he didn't do anything wrong. He was simply minding his own business not causing any trouble to anyone. In this world we become willing slaves or almost like followers. We get older as time goes by and we try to keep up with all the new ideas or trends.            The authors tone is lonely and sad because the story is only about one person. There's only one person in the story and the streets are all dark and nobody's around. Nobody in sight, everyone in their homes with their family, but not Leonard. He has gotten used to living his everyday life and it hasn't changed until he has gotten stopped one night for doing nothing.            Mead is more of a lonely and isolated person. He keeps to himself and doesn't talk to anyone. The only other person he talks to in the story

So This Guy Goes For A Walk

A guy named Leonard Mead goes for his nightly walk as usual but on this night for some reason he gets stopped by a cop. He had never got stopped before so he was shocked because he didn't do anything wrong. He was simply minding his own business not causing any trouble to anyone.

The Value Of My Time

In my life I invest my time in many things throughout the day. Some of things can be stressful and very time consuming but I know that in the end it will pay off. I try to relieve stress by exercising or playing sports. I always put my studies before any other stuff I do because going to school and getting an education is the biggest key to success.

How I Read

Sapere Aude- Latin phrase that means dare to know The art on the popsicle sticks all had a different meaning The boys in the scene of the movie seemed confused because you can tell that their class isn't structured like that. My first impression of "How We Read" was that there is many ways that people learn and develop things on a daily basis.

First Impression of a Dream

This poem is different than all of the others poems we've had. It's shorter and seems easy to memorize. I think that in his dream he thinks his life has been a dream. Yes, the journal topic came to mind because they were both similar to each other.