
Showing posts from September, 2019

My Essay Essay

Young Goodman Brown was about a man who has a wife and one day goes on  walk in an unfamiliar place. A lot of strange things occur in the story that made me think if this guy was dreaming or if this was reality. He has all these thoughts going through his head .He encounters a man he doesn't know and the man tries to persuade him to follow him but Young Goodman Brown doesn't follow so he continues his way into the woods.

My Thesis Statement

I feel like its easier to write an essay without a prompt or like a certain way of writing it. I feel like if you just flow with all of the knowledge that you know then it might be easier to just put it all together. I think that it would be easier to write an essay on "Young Goodman Brown" without a prompt.

So This Guy Goes For A Walk...

This guy goes on a walk into an unfamiliar place that he has never been to before and is hesitant at first but proceeds to go into the woods.

For The Win

I haven't really done something big that I consider an accomplishment this year yet. I guess I can say that i'm there on time everyday and am ready to get to work when class starts.

I Ain't Got Time For This

I feel like sometimes there is not enough time in the day. If you are a busy person and have thigs to do it feels like the days is over so fast. You can't just stay up and not get any sleep because it's not good for your health. Us humans have to many tasks throughout the day some may not even get done sometimes.

The Earth On A Turtles Back

It seems like the girl is dreaming about the Skyland and a big tree uprooting and she tells her husband and the husband says "well lets make it happen" because he wants it to be real.

I Care About Your Understanding

I feel like we as people need to be more understood. Sometimes people make statements that don't seem clear to some people and they may feel like they don't fully understand it all the way

Big Brothers First Impression

As I get deeper into my book it is still interesting and very suspenseful and I have't gotten bored of it yet so that's a good sign.

The First 50 Pages

So far I am almost done with my book and I like it. Its very suspenseful and I am usually into those types of books.

How I Read

Personally I learned how to read when I was younger because I had my family start reading to me at a young age. I think that that helped out a lot with developing vocabulary and other things that helped when I was learning to read.

Thinking about What I Want To think About

Sometimes I think is our world going to end soon because of all that's going on with our environment lately. All this plastic in the ocean and killing animals to all these shooting in places all around the world.

Getting To Know You

I feel as the days go on you get to know the people you surround yourself with. You see them everyday and you become closer to them. At the beginning of the year I didn't know any of the people that I sit with. Now if I see them outside of class i'll say hello. The people that your around daily just fit themselves into your lives like that.

Today I Asked A Question

Today I asked a question. My question was asking why are all these bad things happening to our environment suddenly over the past couple years?

The Medium Is the Meassage

I learned that everything you send through your phone or device is saved somewhere on the internet. Anyone can have access to it if they tried. So this means that you have to think about what you send before you send it so that way you aren't surprised and stuck in a lie. This can also lead to people hacking your account so you should change your password frequently to help prevent this.

The Making Of an Essay

Usually when I hear from a teacher that we're writing an essay I think of so much. I think of all the negative things because I don't like essays. I usually procrastinate and do it the night before and I tend to do that with a lot of things. It works but I feel like if I took more time on it the outcome would be a lot better.

Everything Is A Remix

Remix- Took something and combined it with something else and made something new. Anybody can remix.... Everything is a remix Domain Knowledge- Knowledge bout the environment Bob Dylan- Created music nobody has ever heard of. Taking existing things and making a variation Albert Einstein created E=MC squared because he thought the fit together but he didn't create the letters. Copy transform and combine are the basics to any activity Loss aversions-Our brains are protecting ourselves from losses 3 phases of remix-Copy Transform and combine The mac was for home and then it became so much more By idolizing those whom we honor we do a disservice both to them and to ourselves... we fail to recognize that we could go and do likewise ~ Charles V.Willie

Training Your Brain Like a Champion

I believe that there are any ways and strategies to use to help memorize things. Some people use flash cards or writing stuff down constantly helps people remember things. Some people take new things into mind faster than others and process it easier. Like if your a slow reader it can be harder